Stalking your Salesforce Governor Limits was Never This Easy

It was a usual TGIF workday, the clock was about to strike three and the hickory dickory mouse within me, was about to flee (don’t miss the rhyme here). Suddenly my manager called for me and the buzz was he had encountered the  dreaded SINGLE_EMAIL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error within our Salesforce instance.

Continue reading “Stalking your Salesforce Governor Limits was Never This Easy”

Knockout Real Estate Challenges: The Salesforce Way!

High rise towers and sophisticated housing are synonymous to a developed urban landscape, such as LANNISTERS are to DEBTS and STARKS are to WINTERFELL!! Information is the KEY in today’s fast paced world and the Indian Real Estate industry has slowly, but steadily realised this! Continue reading “Knockout Real Estate Challenges: The Salesforce Way!”

Salesforce Icons: Going native for visual appeal!

Think of visually appealing applications in Salesforce and automatically you tend to think of Javascript, HTML5, jQuery and so on! But hold on a second! Remember Bible? “Seek within and thou shalt find!” Salesforce has a sophisticated set of icons that cover most of your icon requirements. No Javascript, no jQuery, just plain simple, reliable Salesforce! Let me show you how. Continue reading “Salesforce Icons: Going native for visual appeal!”

Navigation made easy with Lead Notifier

It’s that time of the year when the air is full of performance reviews. Appraisal cycles are in full bloom and the managers are on a prowl! Every employee is seen making his best attempts to impress his manager, hopeful of getting a bigger chunk of the delicious pie called performance bonus and I was no saint either! But impressing my manager was no easy job! What is it that I could do? I probably needed something as path breaking as a time machine! Continue reading “Navigation made easy with Lead Notifier”

Fun with Progress Bars

I am sure as a Salesforce professional, you would have run into similar situations where your customers have asked you to build them something to track and monitor the progress of their tasks. One of the most common ways that I have come across to achieve this representation of information is through a progress bar, which facilitates the users with precise and accurate information and enables them to quantify the actual progress. Continue reading “Fun with Progress Bars”